Developed for Fortune 500 C-Suite executives. Deployed and proven in the most extreme business crises.
The New Zero™ leadership program is available for qualifying leaders in both 6-Month and 12-Month curriculums.
All programs for female clients are tailored to their unique needs in reference to the Women Who Lead program.
Inquire for pricing. All programs are custom developed and priced based on a client’s individual and corporate profile with respect to the categories defined in the contact form.
Full day in-person on-ramp session at client's office (Domestic US clients. International clients travel dependent on schedule and logistics). Client will be presented with: A strategy and action plan for the duration of their program with first 90-Day timeframe detailed action plan for the client’s top strategic initiatives with defined milestones.
Weekly 60-90 minute virtual video meetings with unlimited email contact between weekly meetings. Less than 24-hour response time excluding travel/logistical delays.
Quarterly reviews of initial 90-Day plan execution with results measured, the next 90 day plan defined, pivots and iterations as needed based on client needs/tactical demands. (May be in-person at client offices at their discretion)
Personalized Performance System
A system tailored to the learning, retention, communication and accountability preferences of the Client to maximize their executive performance related to psychological, emotional and tactical task execution.
Each system is unique and based on decades of experience and client case studies in addition to external resources such as science and research-based tools and methodologies.
Areas covered include but are not limited to:
* Actionable Goal Setting * Time Management and Resource Allocation * Self and Third-Party Accountability Structures * Transitioning from Reactive to Proactive Mindset and Leadership * Overcoming Scarcity Mindset * Impostor Syndrome solutions * Confidence in Critical Decision Making
Detailed profiles of internal and external stakeholder needs, motivations and goals as related to client strategic goals of the New Zero Program
Visual and text-based communication strategies for each stakeholder itemized by communication form, communication channel and a client’s preferred communication method (media and press interviews, written articles via web or print publications, speeches and live appearances at industry events and conferences)
Executive thought leadership brand development and communication planning
“Executive Bible”
A long form presentation (typically 50 to 100 pages) representing a snapshot in time of the client’s career to date and
12-36 months in the future in areas of but not limited to:
* Professional Purpose/Mission Statement * Career Map highlingtin “WOW” statistics * Big Ideas/Thesis Statements (Industry, Trends, Macro/Micro) * Detailed stakeholder journey maps with expected outcomes and action plans to deliver those outcomes * Validation of theses (first-person experiences/case studies, external validations) * 12-month strategic focus plan * 12-month Thought Leadership plan and executable communication strategy
Crisis Leadership & Risk Mitigation
Clients “in-crisis”
* Regain control of emotional and psychological order * Eliminate scarcity mindset * Develop and execute plan to move from reactive to proactive leadership * Re-establish confidence in executive and their company in the eyes of all primary internal and external stakeholders * Take back control of individual executive and brand narratives in media, investor and customer communities
Clients “anticipating crises”
* Identify potential/developing crises
* Develop crisis and contingency plans internally and externally with primary stakeholders * Mitigate potential risks of disruption to business through strategic planning with operational execution plans as deliverables